Applied Functional Science & Sport Specific Movement Training

Applied Functional Science (AFS) is a distinctive and integrated approach to evaluation, rehabilitation, training, and conditioning that enhances neuro-muscular-skeletal comfort and performance for people of all ages and conditions.

AFS is a unique study that uses the collaboration of the physical, biological, and behavioral science together. AFS incorporates the understanding of the body’s movements in relation to gravity, mass and momentum, and ground reaction forces. It is the study of the body’s three-dimensional movements integrated as a whole and how each part interacts with the rest. Another way to state it is it’s the study of how the body moves in day-to-day life, functional activities like walking, as well as sport-specific tasks.

AFS allows for accelerated results that are measurable and sustainable. We’ve all heard every action leads to a reaction, and that is especially true in the human body. One faulty part leads to many faulty parts and then possibly pain, degeneration, injury, or non-healing. An AFS-trained physical therapist has unique training to find that faulty part, evaluate how it has affected the rest of your body, and the unique ability to fix it correctly.

AFS also improves training and rehabilitation for sport-specific skills, like running, biking, throwing, and jumping. AT IPT the therapists break down the components of your sport activity and then train the body, specific joints, and muscles to optimize the three dimensional demands and the kinetic chain for your sport.