Child & Adolescent PT

Your child deserves the best. The same exceptional and unique services that have made IPT successful for 19 years will provide your little one with the very best one on one physical therapy. IPT has helped hundreds of children walk better, run faster, and return to sports with improved muscle strength and function.

Let IPT teach your child to sit and stand straighter or walk and run properly to prevent future breakdowns and injuries. Most children and young adults (like adults) move their bodies and exercise in patterns of least resistance, of ease. However these movement patterns, be it running or throwing patterns, may not be best for the long-term health and integrity of the body. Let IPT help prevent injury to your young athlete while improving performance and safety. You can ask your child’s physician for a prescription for IPT for an evaluation.

If your child is recovering from an injury, then just like adults, children and teenagers require skilled manual therapy to decrease pain and inflammation and improve joint mobility/range of motion. Most PT clinics just use exercises to rehab young adult injuries; doesn’t your family deserve more?