Massage, Trigger Point Therapy

Medical massage is soft tissue therapy concerned with providing relief for different medical conditions. At IPT we perform soft tissue mobilization, myofascial release, active release technique, cranial-sacral, and trigger point release. Although these skilled techniques may feel similar to getting a massage; these manual therapies are more precise in targeting specific anatomical structures including fascia, nerve, tendon, ligaments, and muscle to restore tissue health.

A Trigger Point (TrP) is a hyper-irritable spot, a palpable nodule in the taut bands of the skeletal muscles’ fascia. Direct compression or muscle contraction can elicit jump sign, local tenderness, local twitch response, and referred pain which usually responds with a pain pattern distant from the spot.

Trigger Point Therapy is specifically designed to alleviate the source of the pain through cycles of isolated pressure and release. At IPT, we often combine trigger point release with myofascial release and soft tissue massage to restore normal tissue blood flow, nutrition, and mobility. Ultimately, our clients say, “it hurts so good” and find coming to IPT to be the best part of their day.