Ultrasound & Iontophoresis

Ultrasound is a modality commonly employed in physical therapy and IPT is no different. Despite IPT being a clinic that focuses on manual therapy techniques and functional therapeutic exercise; IPT also makes use of modalities used to decrease inflammation and pain while promoting healing. Ultrasound is a modality that uses sound waves to improve cellular membrane permeability to increase healing. Ultrasound also is sited to break up scar tissue, increase circulation and decrease inflammation. Ultrasound works best when used to target a small specific area such as tennis elbow, rotator cuff tendonitis, and Achilles tendonitis.

Iontophoresis is another therapeutic modality that uses an electric current to deliver medicine through the skin. In popular (lay) terms it is sometimes called “an injection without the needle”. Often times an inflammatory medication is driven into a targeted injury site via an electrode that remains on the area for 4-6 hours. Pt’s leave the clinic wearing the electrode as the dose of medication is slowly administered.